DWH proprietary forecasting models provide clients with near-term cash management and longer-term forecasting information and are designed to improve cash generation and liquidity position through better decision-making. A core belief at DWH is that the quality of an organization’s decision-making is directly related to the quality of the information upon which the decisions are based. When a manager is able to foresee cash constraints, whether it is caused by growth or decline, they are prepared to make informed decisions on how to react.
Our models can aid in communication with economic stakeholders, predict cash flow relative to bank collateral, and provide a means of managing weekly accounts payable disbursements and accounts receivable collections. We can help organizations develop ROI analysis models to better assess and maximize their return on business investment. Likewise, our estimating and costing models improve pricing and resource utilization decisions, while using key performance indicators to continually evaluate and review financial operations and controls.